


New Book!!
of New Series!!
What They Don”t Tell You About It In Church
Here you will find answers to the following questions:
– What is salvation?
– What does it mean to be saved?
– How to be saved?
and you will learn
– What were Yeshua’s first words after being raised from the dead?
– Why did Jehovah have to expel his people, the House of Israel and the House of Judah from his land?
– Why is the gospel preached today to the Judeans, Israelites and other Gentiles scattered all over the world?

PRIZE: 10 zł

– 10 sztuk za 60 zł,
– 5 sztuk za 70 zł,
– możliwość konfiguracji obu wersji językowych: 5 szt. Zbawienie + 5 szt. Salvation za 60 zł

Koszt dostawy na terenie kraju: 10 zł

Kontakt: biuro@polania.com.pl, tel. 663 131 966

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