The 14th day of the 12th month
Just like the feast of Hanukkah, Purim is not a biblical moedim. There is no biblical warrant to observe these two feasts.
The feast of Purim was established at a time when both the House of Israel and the House of Judah lived under Persian rule.
The difference was that the ten tribes, the Israelites, became completely integrated into Persian culture, while the Judeans, the Jews, did not.
It is worth recalling here that Polish chronicles from the Middle Ages state that our ancestors lived under the rule of Persian kings from the Achamenid dynasty, under the rule of Xerxes, who appears under the Hebrew name Achashverosh in the Book of Esther.
We learn from Haman, who was an Amalekite, eternal enemy of the whole of Israel, that it was only the Jews, and not the Israelites, who stood out among all of the other peoples living in the Persian Empire.
Haman, a progenitor of the future anti-Messiah, had attained a high position in the court of Xerxes. Since Mordochai, a Jew, didn’t want to bow down before him, Haman decided to exact vengeance on all Jews living under Persian rule. He wanted to kill them and plunder their property. And to do the same to those Jews who had returned to Judea and rebuilt the Temple, based on the decree of another Persian king, Cyrus – Kurash,
Haman said to the king: There is a certain people dispersed and scattered among the peoples in all provinces of your kingdom whose customs are different from those of all other people, Esther 3:8.
In the presence of Haman, a lot, referred to in Persian as pur, was cast to determine the date upon which this killing would take place. Hence the name of the feast is called Purim or lots.
Haman’s plans turned to ruins when the Jews began to fast and Queen Esther, the wife of Achashverosh, who was herself a Jew, interceded with him for the Jews.
Since a law already ordained by the king could not be changed, Mordochai, who was by then promoted to a high position, together with Esther, wrote letters to all Jews urging them to stand up for themselves.
And so it happened.
Wherever Jews were attacked, they put up a fight and defeated their enemies. God reversed their fate.
Instead of being killed and robbed, they themselves killed and robbed those who fought against them.
The plan of Haman is the first attempt at a Holocaust in history, aimed at the total destruction of Judeans, the Jews.
Had it succeeded, we would have neither the Bible nor the Messiah today, to save us from our sins.
How could He have been born if there had been no Jews in the world?