Passover IS NOT a feast.
Passover IS the name of a sacrifice.
It was made for the first time on the14th of Aviv in about 1448 b.c. by believing Israelites. just before leaving Egypt where they were slaves.
Passover means protection.
The blood of the sacrificed lambs on the doors of their houses protected and saved them from the death of their firstborn.
The blood of the lambs sprinkled as an offering by faith meant JUDGMENT for the gods of Egypt.
The Passover, like other moedim was also the image and prophecy of another reality.
Almost two thousand years ago, on the 14th of Aviv, the blood of the other Passover lamb, Jeshua, was given in offering and rested on the Ark of Covenant.
The blood of Jeshua is protection and salvation today for those who believe in Him.
The blood of Jeshua proclaims the JUDGMENT of Jehovah over Satan, the ruler of this world, and his system: political, religious and financial.
For the Israelites, JUDGMENT over the gods of Egypt meant leaving their slavery, healing and prosperity and entering the land which Jehovah promised Abraham, Izaac and Jacob.
For the Israelites, JUDGMENT over Satan means getting out of the bondage of the system of this world: political, religious and financial and entering the land, which is going to become the Kingdom of Israel with it’s king, Jehovah Tzevaot – Jehovah of the hosts of Israel – Jeshua.
The old age will come to an end and the new one will begin. The blessed age of the Millenium Kingdom.
6 April 2023