This is a very important verse which has been poorly translated. Everyone who sins breaks the law; for sin is lawlessness – interlinear version
In Polish the word lawlessness means: a condition when legal standards are not established or not respected.
The synonyms are: anarchy, wilfulness, arrogance.
The Greek word nomos means Law. Anomia means without Law.
The Hebrew word Torah was translated in the Septuagint to the greek word nomos.
The Septuagint is a translation of the Tanach or the Writings of the Old Covenant by Jewish scholars to the Greek language
So nomos means Torah and anomia– without Torah
The correct translation of this verse should be:
1 John 3:4, Failure to comply the Torah is a sin Everyone who sins, breaks the Torah
If someone doesn’t like the word Torah let him translate the word nomos as the Law
So: Disobeying the Law is a sin and everyone who sins breaks the Law
Please compare this proper translation with the babble translation of the Warsaw Bible. Other traslations are also not any better.
1 John 3:4, Everyone who sins, breaks the law, and sin is lawlessness
1 John 3:4, Everyone who sins commits lawlessness, because sin is lawlessness
Translators do their best not to use the word Torah and not to say what the apostle John, the protector of Miriam, so-called Mary, said.
I mean only the Torah written by Moses, not the oral Torah changed by the Pharisees or rabbis.
25 March 2023